Monday, July 21, 2008

UPDATES - 7/21/08

Ok, for the record I am not abandoning the blog, its just that right now I am having some issues with life and work that make it very hard for me to be doing constant content updates currently. So I am doing something that I really don't want to do, but this only going to be temporary. I am going to suspend the schedule for the next 8 weeks.

Now don't get me wrong, I am still going to be posting articles and reviews on as often a basis as I can, but to try and hold to a shcedule right now isn't particulary realistic, so keep looking each week and I will do what I can to get new reviews and material up, hopefully by this time in September I will be back into normal run, until my daughter comes along in October, then its anybodys guess.

This week I am going to have a new DVD review up and hopefully a feature article, thanks for sticking with me!

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