Thursday, August 25, 2011

Crunchyroll: As if I didn't have enough to do already!

Well I have obviously lost my mind, if I didn't have enough on my plate already LOL!

For years I have taken the traditional route to getting my Anime fix, from things such as DVD, On Demand, and *gulp* even VHS back in the day. I never was a big one on the whole torrent thing, I felt that it did more harm than good to the industry, but that also meant that it was hard for me to review anything close to current material for the blog.

As of tonight that all changes, my wonderful Fiancee suggested that I go ahead and get a Crunchyroll subscription so I could watch more current content, and be able to provide my readers [all 5 of you LOL] with more up to date reviews.

So I am going to start embarking on this project over the weekend, I will also be reviewing the iPad app from Crunchyroll and see how it changes my day to day watching and enjoying of Anime.

See you soon!

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